产品编号 | 产品名称 | 产品包装 | 产品价格 |
P2103-1ml | BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠 | 1ml | 369.00元 |
P2103-5ml | BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠 | 5ml | 1489.00元 |
碧云天研发生产的BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠(BeyoMag™ Alkali-tolerant Protein A Magnetic Beads),也称BeyoMag™ Alkali-resistant Protein A Magnetic Beads、耐碱Protein A免疫磁珠、耐碱Protein A免疫沉淀磁珠、耐碱蛋白A磁珠、耐碱蛋白A免疫磁珠或耐碱蛋白A免疫沉淀磁珠,是由高质量的重组耐碱Protein A与纳米级氨基磁珠共价偶联而成,可特异性地结合相应抗体,主要用于免疫沉淀(Immunoprecipitation, IP)、免疫共沉淀(Co-IP)或染色质免疫沉淀(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation, Ch-IP),也可以用于血清、细胞培养上清液或腹水等样品中抗体的纯化等。本产品能耐受0.1-0.5M NaOH清洗或消毒,能有效降低内毒素污染和批次间交叉污染的风险,有利于磁珠使用寿命的延长。
Protein A是一种发现于金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus aureus)的细胞壁表面蛋白,分子量为42kDa;本产品的耐碱Protein A在天然Protein A的基础上进行了人工改造,通过筛选得到耐碱性高、稳定性好、亲和力强的新型耐碱Protein A。耐碱Protein A去除了细胞壁、细胞膜和白蛋白结合区,只保留IgG结合区,以保证最大程度的特异性IgG结合[1, 2]。耐碱Protein A和Protein A功能相似,能特异性地与哺乳动物免疫球蛋白(Immunoglobulin, Ig)结合,结合的部位通常为免疫球蛋白的Fc区,但有资料显示Protein A也会和人VH3家族的Fab区结合。适当重组改造的Protein A与磁珠以一定的方式结合,可用于免疫沉淀或抗体的纯化。
本产品中的耐碱Protein A可与多数哺乳动物IgG的Fc端特异性结合,分子量约为27kDa。该耐碱Protein A通过改造,可以有效减少非特异性结合。本产品的每个耐碱Protein A分子可以结合5个IgG分子。
BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠可以特异性地结合相应抗体,并可以借助磁力架等磁分离设备非常便捷地应用于抗体结合的目的蛋白或其蛋白复合物的免疫沉淀或抗体纯化等实验。本产品进行免疫沉淀的实验流程参考图1。
图1. 碧云天的BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠(P2103)免疫沉淀流程图。
本产品抗体结合特异性强、抗体结合量高。传统的Protein A琼脂糖凝胶孔径大,容易产生非特异吸附,而本产品磁珠粒径小,不易产生非特异吸附。本产品每毫升磁珠悬浊液含约10mg磁珠,含有不少于0.6mg耐碱Protein A,通常可结合不少于0.7mg人IgG,具体的最大结合量和抗体类型及目的蛋白等相关。每500微升样品,通常仅需使用10-20微升磁珠悬浊液,就可以高效地进行免疫沉淀实验。
本产品具有更高的耐碱能力。本产品在0.5M NaOH条件下暴露160小时后结合抗体的能力基本不变,但常规的Protein A磁珠在0.5M NaOH条件下暴露48小时后结合抗体的能力就会下降几乎一半。
Characteristics | Description |
Product content | 10mg/ml magnetic beads in specific protective buffer |
Beads size | ~200nm |
Magnetization | Superparamagnetic |
Coupled protein | Recombinant Protein A (Alkali-tolerant) |
M.W. of protein | ~27kDa |
Ligand concentration | ≥0.6mg Alkali-tolerant Protein A per ml beads |
Binding capacity | ≥ 0.7mg human IgG per ml beads |
Specificity | Antibodies from many different species, including mouse, human, rabbit, cow, goat and sheep |
Elution method | Elution with acid, competing peptide or SDS-PAGE loading buffer |
Application | IP, Co-IP, Ch-IP, antibody purification |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2103-1ml | BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠 | 1ml |
P2103-5ml | BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠 | 5ml |
— | 说明书 | 1份 |
蛋白样品收集后宜尽快完成纯化工作,并应始终放置在4ºC或冰浴,以减缓蛋白降解或变性。为有效抑制蛋白降解,可以在蛋白样品中添加适量的蛋白酶抑制剂混合物,例如碧云天的蛋白酶抑制剂混合物(通用型) (P1005/P1006)、蛋白酶磷酸酶抑制剂混合物(通用型, 质谱兼容, 50X) (P1048/P1049)、蛋白酶抑制剂混合物(哺乳动物样品抽提用, 100X) (P1010/P1011)、蛋白酶磷酸酶抑制剂混合物(哺乳动物样品抽提用, 50X) (P1050/P1051)等。
酸性溶液洗脱时磁珠可能会发生聚集,属于正常现象,不影响磁珠的正常使用。0.1%的非离子型去垢剂(如Triton X-100、Tween-20或NP-40)可有效防止磁珠聚集,并且不会影响磁珠的抗体结合效率。
Problem | Possible Causes | Solution |
Very few or no target protein exists in the eluate. | Protein is not completely eluted. | Change elution methods. |
No target protein expressed. | Make sure the protein of interest contains the target protein by Western blot or dot blot analyses. | |
Very low protein expression level. | 1. Use larger volume of cell lysate. 2. Optimize expression conditions to raise the protein expression level. |
Washes are too stringent. | Reduce the time and number of washes. | |
Incubation times are inadequate. | Increase the incubation time. | |
Interfering substance is present in sample. | Lysates containing high concentration of DTT, 2-mercaptoethanol, or other reducing agents may destroy antibody function, and must be avoided. | |
Detection system is inadequate. | If Western blot detection is used: 1. Check primary and secondary antibodies using proper controls to confirm binding and reactivity. 2. Verify that the transfer was adequate by using prestained protein marker or staining the membrane with Ponceau S. 3. Use fresh detection substrate or try a different detection system. |
Background is too high. | Proteins bind nonspecifically to the antibody, insufficient washing on magnetic beads, or the microcentrifuge tubes. | 1. Pre-clear lysate with Normal IgG to remove nonspecific binding proteins. 2. After suspending beads for the final wash, transfer entire sample to a clean microcentrifuge tube before separation. |
Washes are insufficient. | 1. Increase the number of washes. 2. Prolong duration of the washes, incubating each wash for at least 15 minutes. 3. Increase the salt and/or detergent concentrations in the wash solutions. 4. Centrifuge at lower speed to avoid nonspecific trapping of denatured proteins. |
Multiple protein bands found in the eluate. | The protein is not stable at room temperature. | Purify the target protein at lower temperature, such as 4ºC. |
Protein degradation due to proteases activity during purification process. | Add protease inhibitors to cell lysate. | |
Non-specific binding. | 1. Prepare cell lysate again. 2. Add additional wash steps. |
产品编号 | 产品名称 | 包装 |
P2102 | BeyoMag™ Protein A磁珠 | 1ml/5ml |
P2103 | BeyoMag™耐碱Protein A磁珠 | 1ml/5ml |
P2105 | BeyoMag™ Protein G磁珠 | 1ml/5ml |
P2106 | BeyoMag™ Protein G Plus磁珠 | 1ml/5ml |
P2108 | BeyoMag™ Protein A+G磁珠 | 1ml/5ml |